Nomad Gods Unit List:
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Unit Name (English)
Unit Name (French)
Rule Ref.
Page Ref.
The Five Great Tribes
Tribal Units
Clan |
Guerriers |
8. |
16f |
Herd |
Troupeau |
8.6 |
17 |
Khan |
Khan |
8.7 |
17 |
Shaman/Fetch |
Chaman |
8.8 |
17f |
Parts of the Bull
Bull's Breath |
Souffle du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
Bull's Heart |
Cour du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
Bull's Hide |
Cuir du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
Bull's Hooves |
Sabots du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
Bull's Horns |
Cornes du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
Bull's Legs |
Pattes du Taureau |
8.9 |
18f |
The Independent Tribes
Ten Independents
Baboon Troop |
Guerriers Babouin |
10.1.1 |
21 |
Basmoli Berserkers |
Berserkers Basmoli |
10.1.2 |
21 |
Bolo Lizard Folk |
Peuple du Lezard-Bolo |
10.1.3 |
21 |
Cannibal Cult |
Culte Cannibale |
10.1.4 |
21 |
Men-and-a-Half |
Hommes-et-un-Demi |
10.1.5 |
21f |
Newtling Renegades |
Newtlings Renegats |
10.1.6 |
22 |
Ostrich Clan |
Guerriers Autruche |
10.1.7 |
22 |
Pavis Survivors |
Survivants de Pavis |
10.1.8 |
22 |
Rhino Riders |
Monteurs de Rhino |
10.1.9 |
22 |
Unicorn Maidens |
Femmes Licorne |
10.1.10 |
22 |
Other Herds
Long-Nose Herd |
Longs-Nez |
10.2 |
22 |
Nose-Horn Herd |
Nez-Cornes |
10.2 |
22 |
Plains Elk Herd |
Elan |
10.2 |
22 |
Rhino Herd |
Rhinoceros |
10.2 |
22 |
Zebra Herd |
Zebres |
10.2 |
22 |
Sun Dome Templars
Sun Dome Templars |
Templiers du Dome Soleil |
10.3 |
22 |
Border Knights
Border Knights |
Chevaliers de la Frontiere |
10.4 |
22 |
Magical Societies
Red School of Masks |
Ecole Rouge |
10.5.1 |
23 |
Serpent Dancers |
Danseurs du Serpent |
10.5.2 |
23 |
Sunset Society |
Societe du Crepuscule |
10.5.3 |
23 |
Star Witches |
Sorcieres de l'Etoile |
10.5.4 |
23 |
Wind Singers |
Chanteurs du Vent |
10.5.5 |
23 |
Other Tribes
Ghost Darters |
Archers Esprits |
10.6.1 |
23 |
Hidden Tribes |
Tribus Cachees |
10.6.2 |
23 |
Tribal Spirits
Founder |
Fondateur |
11.1.1 |
23 |
Protectress |
Protectrice |
11.1.2 |
23f |
Ancestors |
Ancetres |
11.1.3 |
24 |
Great Spirits
Dark Eater |
Mangeur Noir |
11.2.1 |
24 |
Malia |
Malia |
11.2.2 |
24 |
Oakfed |
Oakfed |
11.2.3 |
24 |
Wild Hunter |
Chasseur Savage |
11.2.4 |
24f |
Zola Fel |
Zola Fel |
11.2.5 |
25 |
Elemental Demons
Plague |
Peste |
11.3.1 |
25 |
Shade |
Ombre |
11.3.2 |
25 |
Whirlvish |
Tourbillon |
11.3.3 |
25f |
Wildfire |
Feu Savage |
11.3.4 |
26 |
Air Spirits
Lightning Boy |
Enfant Eclair |
11.4.1 |
26 |
Mistress Calm |
Maitresse Calme |
11.4.2 |
26 |
Rainbow Girl |
Fille Arc-En-Ciel |
11.4.3 |
26 |
Thunder Bird |
Oiseau Tonnerre |
11.4.4 |
26 |
Darkness Spirits
Grandmother of Spiders |
Grand Mere Araignee |
11.5.1 |
26 |
Web (marker) |
Filet |
11.5.1 |
26 |
Night Woman |
Femme Nuit |
11.5.2 |
26f |
Raven |
Corbeau |
11.5.3 |
27 |
White Princess |
Princess Blanche |
11.5.4 |
27 |
Fire Spirits
Evening Star |
Etoile du Crepuscule |
11.6.1 |
27 |
Morning Star |
Etoile de l'Aurore |
11.6.2 |
27 |
Pole Star |
Etoile du Pole |
11.6.3 |
27 |
Sun Hawk |
Faucon Soleil |
11.6.4 |
27 |
Lunar Spirits
Little Moon |
Petite Lune |
11.7.1 |
27 |
Redwood |
Boisrouge |
11.7.2 |
27f |
Silver Deer |
Cerf d'Argent |
11.7.3 |
28 |
Watchdog of Corflu |
Chien de Corflu |
11.7.4 |
28 |
Water Spirits
Dew Maid |
Vierge Rosee |
11.8.1 |
28 |
Frog Woman |
Femme Grenouille |
11.8.2 |
28 |
River Horse |
Cheval Riviere |
11.8.3 |
28 |
Independent Spirits
Brother Dog |
Frere Chien |
11.9.1 |
28f |
Condor |
Condor |
11.9.2 |
29 |
Father of Independents |
Pere des Independants |
11.9.3 |
29 |
Found Child |
Enfant Trouve |
11.9.4 |
29 |
Great Rhino |
Grand Rhino |
11.9.5 |
29 |
Hyena |
Hyena |
11.9.6 |
29f |
Monkey King |
Roi Singe |
11.9.7 |
30 |
Ostrich Mother |
Mere Autruche |
11.9.8 |
30 |
Pure Horse Founder |
Initie du Cheval Pur |
11.9.9 |
30 |
Spirits of the Paps
Good Shepherd |
Bon Berger |
11.10.3 |
30 |
Horn of Plenty |
Corne Abundante |
11.10.4 |
30 |
Ronance |
Ronance |
11.10.5 |
31 |
Serpent Guardians |
Gardiens Serpents |
11.10.6 |
31 |
Three-Bean Circus |
Cercle Trois Haricots |
11.10.7 |
31 |
Waha's Champion |
Champion de Waha |
11.10.8 |
31 |
Spirits of Pavis
Black Fang |
Croc Noir |
11.11.2 |
32 |
Flintnail |
Silexclou |
11.11.3 |
32 |
Gerak Kag |
Gerak Kag |
11.11.4 |
32 |
Pavis |
Pavis |
11.11.5 |
32f |
Sun Dragon |
Dragon Soleil |
11.11.6 |
33 |
Eye of Wakboth |
Oeil de Wakboth |
11.11.7 |
33 |
Creatures of Chaos
Parts of the Devil
Devil's Hand |
Main du Diable |
12.4.3 |
34 |
Stomach |
Estomac |
12.4.4 |
35 |
Cacodemon |
Cacodemon |
12.4.5 |
35 |
Dragonsnails |
Escargots Dragons |
12.4.6 |
35 |
Bullsitch |
Vermine de Taureau |
12.4.7 |
35 |
Gas |
Gaz |
12.4.8 |
35 |
Gorp |
Gorp |
12.4.9 |
35 |
Creatures of Chaos
Broos |
Broos |
12.5.1 |
35f |
Chaos Herd |
Tropeau de Chaos |
12.5.2 |
36 |
Ruined Earth (marker) |
Terre Ravagee |
12.5.2 |
36 |
Cwim |
Cwim |
12.5.3 |
36 |
Scorpion Men |
Hommes Scorpions |
12.5.4 |
36 |
Thed |
Thed |
12.5.5 |
36 |
Medicine Bundles
Dung Urn |
Urne |
13.2 |
37 |
Eiritha's Table |
Table |
13.2 |
37 |
Horn of Apprehension |
Corne |
13.2 |
37 |
Protectress' Comb |
Peigne |
13.2 |
37 |
Raven's Stepladder |
Echelle |
13.2 |
37 |
Seolinthur's Rudder |
Gouvernail |
13.2 |
37 |
Shears of Abundance |
Tondeuse |
13.2 |
37 |
Spicegrass Kettle |
Bouilloire |
13.2 |
37 |
Waha's Cradle |
Berceau |
13.2 |
37 |
Yamsur's Fire-Starter |
Allume-Feu |
13.2 |
37 |
Grisly Portions
Tada's Cloak (the Lion Skin) |
Cape de Tada |
13.3.1 |
37 |
Tada's Cudgel |
Gourdin de Tada |
13.3.2 |
37 |
Tada's Mask |
Masque de Tada |
13.3.3 |
37 |
Tada's Sandals |
Sandales de Tada |
13.3.4 |
37 |
Great Magics
Dawn Beast |
Bete de l'Aurore |
13.4.1 |
37f |
Genert's Eye |
Oeil de Genert |
13.4.2 |
38 |
Portable Oasis |
Oasis Portable |
13.4.3 |
38 |
Unsleeping Dog |
Chien Non Dormant |
13.4.4 |
38 |
War Arrow Medicine Bundle |
Fleches de Guerre |
13.4.5 |
38 |
Book of Dale |
Livre de Dale |
13.5 |
38 |
Tada's Warriors
Aldryami Lords |
Seigneurs Aldryami |
14 |
38f |
Copper People |
Peuple de Cuivre |
14 |
38f |
Earth Knights |
Chevaliers de la Terre |
14 |
38f |
Longears |
Longues Oreilles |
14 |
38f |
The Eternal Battle
Eternal Battle |
Bataille Eternelle |
15 |
39f |
Bodies of Old |
Corps des Squelettes |
15.4.1 |
39 |
Ghost Warriors |
Guerriers Fantomes |
15.4.2 |
39 |
Avatar of Chaos |
Avatar du Chaos |
15.4.3 |
39f |
NB: where a rule reference is shown in bold,
the unit has some special or exotic power, ability or limitation described
in the rules. Where it is in plain text, the unit has no unusual powers
beyond those detailed on its counter attributes.
Glorantha, HeroQuest, Hero Wars, and Issaries are trademarks of Issaries, Inc.
The contents of this page are
copyright by Nick Brooke
, 2002; any
material derived from Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha is also copyright
by Greg Stafford. Glorantha is the creation of Greg Stafford, and is used
with his permission. |