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Gloranthan Folk Tales

Gloranthan Songbook

Moonie Madness

Carmanian Sources

Malkioni Scriptures

based on work by Robert Dushay and Bob Alberti, among others


The war with Yan Kor begins 'by accident'. Baron Ald's forces advance around the Atkolel Heights into Tsolyanu.


General Kettukal is recalled from disgrace to halt the Yan Koryani advance at the Battle of Atkolel Heights. Prince Eselne is with him on the Western Front, based at Khirgar. The Military Party unites behind them.


Surundano is revealed by the Temple of Thumis. Nobody knows or cares what happens to him thereafter; he may have renounced the Gold. Mirusiya is revealed by the Vriddi clan of Fasiltum. Eselne's hold over the Military Party is broken, as the Vimuhla worshippers flock to support Mirusiya. The war on the Western Front is bogging down into a strategic stalemate.


The Eastern Campaign Begins

Recognising that the Western Front against Yan Kor has stagnated, Mirusiya proposes opening an eastern campaign to disrupt the Baron's allies, Milumanaya and Saa Allaqi, and force him to surrender. Tsolyanu has the resources to fight a war on two fronts; Yan Kor does not. These plans are hesitantly supported by the Military Party.


Capture of Sunraya

First year of the Eastern Campaign. Tsolyani advance through the Pass of Skulls, win a Pyrrhic victory at the Hill of the Stone Serudla, and fight the three Battles of Mar, destroying the eastern Yan Koryani army at the third. Atrocities are committed by Sarku troops at the Siege of Pu'er. Sunraya captured by Tsolyani, who now firmly control eastern Milumanaya.

Atrocities at Pu'er

Atrocities are committed by Dhich'une's Sarku troops during the Siege of Pu'er: in breach of the Concordat, they use undead soldiers in battle. The Sarku general uses undead in front of Prince Mirusiya's flame troops, in direct contravention of the Rules of War. When Mirusiya finds out, he has the commanding general -- a close friend of Prince Dhich'une -- impaled. This action demoralises the Sarku troops who were fighting in the army on the Eastern Front. (Note that Prince Dhich'une is not present at the incident).


Devastation of Saa Allaqi; Advance

Second year of the Eastern Campaign. Southern Saa Allaqi devastated, effectively removing them from the Alliance. The Tsolyani advance against Tleku Miriya, brushing aside skirmishers to beseige the city.


Capture of Tleku Miriya

Third year of the Eastern Campaign. The Yan Koryani attempt to forestall the fall of Tleku Miriya, bringing in Mu'ugalavyani help, but after a long siege and several assaults the city is taken by the Tsolyani. Kambe, the Tsolyani Commander in Chief, is made governor of Tleku Miriya; the army plans a campaign to finish the Baron.


Accession of Emperor Dhich'une

Dhich'une kills his father, Emperor Hirkane Tlakotani, while on a visit to Avanthar, and ascends the throne in the intercalary days at the start of the year 2364. The Kolumejalim was held in one day, Dhich'une claiming victory when no one showed up (the fact that he didn't bother to notify anyone didn't seem to matter). Vridekka hiTlelsu takes over the Intelligence Arm of the Omnipotent Azure Legion, which is riddled with Dhich'une's agents.

Alliance with Yan Kor

As Emperor, Dhich'une makes peace with Yan Kor, incorporating that empire within Tsolyanu. His ally, Baron Ald, becomes First General of the combined empires, and their forces fight side by side. (Yan Koryani forces have been secretly descending into Tsolyanu for some time, aided by Dhich'une's generals). Avanthar, Sarku City, Aukesha, Thri'il, Sunraya and most of the northern cities are firmly in their control. Fasiltum is a holdout: Mirusiya has guaranteed the Vriddi "autonomy within their own borders" in return for assisting him to the throne. Usenanu, Bey Su, and other midland cities are ostensibly under Dhich'une's control, although holdouts and underground movements still exist. Jakalla and Sokatis, and the cities of the south-east are far enough from everything that, although they pay lip service to the new "emperor", they are far from loyal to him. Any rebellion is ruthlessly suppressed.

Mirusiya Betrayed

All the progress made in the war against Baron Ald is lost when Dhich'une usurps the Petal Throne. He makes the Baron First General of the Empire, then abandons the troops in the east to the Baron's mercy.

The Baron destroys the city of Thri'il and seals Mirusiya's army off to the north. Lord Fu Shi'i's Weapon Without Answer is used to trap Mirusiya and Karim Missum in an other-planar shadow of Tleku Miriya. Deq Dimani is sent to retake Sunraya and split the Tsolyani armies apart. She manages to retake the city but cannot retake the citadel. Both sides have stalemated in Milumanaya, and Kambe (the Tsolyani C-in-C) negotiates in Pelesar to with the 'king' of Milumanaya and the Mu'ugalavyani general Mi'itlanesh.

Mirusiya is rescued from entrapment. Karim Missum reduces Tleku Miriya.

The army marches south, meeting opposition of Yan Koryani and Dhich'une's troops at Sunraya (where the Weapon Without Answer was temporarily disabled by magic), before being routed at Kayal Peak. Most of the army flees north. A small band of survivors escorts Mirusiya south-west through the mountains to Fasiltum, where he finds Elara hiVriddi, a leader of the Vriddi Rebellion of his youth whom he has always idolised and who (as a result of temporal suspension, from which she has recently been released) is now of an age to become his First Wife -- after Dhich'une is dethroned. Fasiltum declares itself independent of Tsolyanu until Mirusiya takes the throne.

The Fall of the Chakas

In the summer of 2364, the Mu'ugalavyani invade the two Chakan Protectorates. The Pe Choi of Do Chaka are overrun, and Pan Chaka falls, the Pachi Lei being slaughtered or forced to flee. The Mu'ugalavyani besiege Paya Gupa, march to Tumissa, form up their lines, break formation and retreat. There is a brief fight at Chene Ho. When Eselne returns to western Tsolyanu, he forces the Mu'ugalavyani to break their siege and withdraw to Pan Chaka.

Prince Eselne marches south towards Tumissa with the remains of his army, harried every step of the way by Mu'ugalavyani and Tsolyani-Yan Koryani forces.

The Salarvyani Incursions

The Salarvyani take the outpost cities of Ru and Fenul and invade the Gilraya forests. They are too disorganised by internecine squabbling to take Thraya or Jaikalor.

The Concordat Broken

The Disposer of Meku destroys the local temples of Sarku and Hru'u, and the threat of civil war becomes urgent. There are riots in Jakalla, Bey Su, and Urmish. Emperor Dhich'une orders his armies both to Fasiltum and to Meku. Chaos appears imminent.

The Other Heirs

  • Rereshqala has reportedly renounced the Gold at the time of Dhich'une's accession, and remains in his keep outside Jakalla.

  • Mridobu escapes Dhich'une's usurpation with his life by hiding in his father's coffin while it was being sent down river to Bey Su. He is in hiding (rumoured to be with the Urunen at the South Pole, guarded by the remnants of the Omnipotent Azure Legion).

  • Ma'in Kruthai is in Tumissa, attempting to arrange a marriage with her brother Eselne in order to form an alliance towards unseating the Worm Prince.

  • Aremala flees to the Southern Continent to escape Dhich'une. Lord Muresh, formerly the leader of the Intelligence Arm of the Omnipotent Azure Legion, may be with her: he seeks support for the humans being hosted by the Urunen. Late in the year, Aremala returns to Jakalla to stay with Rereshqala. A "False Aremala" is presented to Dhich'une as a candidate for marriage, unmasked and executed.


Dhich'une Betrays Ald

Dhich'une turns on Baron Ald, seeking his assassination. Ald escapes assassination by the Emperor of Tsolyanu: the second time for the General, who was betrayed decades ago and went on to unite the warring northern tribes into the nation of Yan Kor as a means to achieve revenge. The betrayal leads to massive battles between Ald's loyal Yan Koryani forces and Imperial forces in the streets of Bey Su, in which Ald is victorious. The Temple of Sarku in Bey Su is sacked, and the Governor and his sister impaled.

Taksuru Revealed

Following the betrayal of Ald during the summer of the year 2365, a new Prince of the Empire is revealed in the city of Bey Su. Prince Taksuru Tlakotani, previously Taksuru hiViridame, of the prestigious Cloak of Azure Gems clan, Worshipper of Ksarul, and accomplished statesman, ambassador and traveller, accepts the Gold and immediately declared Emperor Dhich'une Tlakotani, Eternal Splendour, a traitor to the throne and patricide, calling for his immediate overthrow. Ald and Mridobu vow allegiance with the new Prince against Dhich'une; Ald brings with him to the alliance the infamous Lord Fu Shi'i and the valiant Lady Deq Dimani.

When Prince Taksuru is revealed in Bey Su, Ald swears allegiance to him and Mridobu joins the alliance. Not unexpectedly, Taksuru's appearance and declarations bring about a quick response from Dhich'une in Avanthar, and massive troop movements presage a major battle north of Bey Su.

While the precise results of this battle remain unknown, Prince Taksuru returns to Bey Su to quell uprisings by the commoners of that city, who engaged in general lawlessness when the city forces were called north to battle.

Dhich'une's Position

Dhich'une is in a tough situation because he is not mobile and has few trusted allies. When Ald and Fu Shi'i were on his side, both were working for their own ends and not Dhich'une's. His most powerful allies are probably Vridekka and Jayargo; big, but not big enough. He needs a Fu Shi'i-level ally whom he can send out to do his dirty work. All the other Imperial Heirs are protected by allies at least equal to Vridekka and/or Jayargo, which is why they have been able to survive.

By late autumn, a civil war has begun. Many cities have been emboldened by Prince Taksuru's actions and his broad support to rise against the Emperor. There is fighting and disorder in Bey Su. Most Tsolyani cities are under Imperial Martial Law, and travel is greatly restricted. The empire is nearly completely embroiled in civil war.

Attempted Assassination of Eselne

An assassination attempt against Prince Eselne, presumably by supporters of Emperor Dhich'une, is only narrowly averted. Lord Gamulu hiBeshene, one of the mightiest healers in the Empire, is dispatched by magical means from Jakalla to Paya Gupa to treat the Prince's remains, which were placed in magical stasis using a Magnificent Ruby Eye. The action of the desiccating poison used against the Prince was so swift that only moments separated the first contact of the poison and the complete desiccation of the Prince's body into unrevivifiable component molecules. Lord Gamulu is barely able to restore the Prince to life, and both the Prince and Lord Gamulu are left seriously depleted.

Eselne's supporters have been active in the Northwest around Meku. The city of Tsuru is closed to all but Eselne's supporters. The Mu'ugalavyani take Pan Chaka back, but cannot take Do Chaka as the Pe Choi rise to fight them off. Additionally, the Mu'ugalavyani do not want to approach the heavy troops near Tumissa, nor Eselne's hardened army in Paya Gupa.

The Other Heirs

  • Aremala is discovered under the protection of the temple of Avanthe and safe within the walls of Tumissa. She had previously been under the care of Rereshqala in his estate outside Jakalla, having been rescued from the land of the Urunen on the Southern Continent by a stalwart band of adventurers. She and her Imperial Sister Ma'in Kruthai are now both present in Tumissa. Aremala is said to be considering renouncing the gold, and becoming a sculptress.

  • Long a guest of the Governor of Tumissa, Princess Ma'in Kruthai is escorted from the Governor's Palace (some say under the objections of the Governor) to the Temple of Dlamelish in that city, where she resides. Her departure was precipitated by the unexpected arrival in that city of several cohorts of the Army of the Translucent Emerald, long thought lost far to the east of the Empire. How these troops arrived in western Tumissa is unknown.

  • Mridobu, missing for eighteen months and long thought dead, surfaces alive and unharmed in Bey Su. He presents his Imperial Brother (and fellow worshipper of Ksarul), Taksuru Tlakotani, to the Empire, along with the Lady Kalusu hiViridame in a ceremony in Bey Su. Mridobu's appearance and support of his brother supplies Taksuru with an unexpectedly broad base of support, including the temples of Hnalla and Thumis in Bey Su.

  • Mirusiya is still effectively contained within the city of Fasiltum, where he resides with Lady Elara hiVriddi. Even the great Karin Missum cannot get him to leave.

The Salarvyani Get Bogged Down

The Salarvyani try to take the Gilraya forest by moving up through Chaigari. Koyluga troops managed to take Fenul and Ru. A particularly ill-fated mission gets stuck in the thick Gilraya forest, then hammered by Hlutrugu when they break out upon the coast. Finally, some Salarvyani mercenaries try to move north from Ru to Hekellu, but are forced to withdraw.

Foreign News

The Livyani encounter the False Plague in Tsolei in late summer. They break off their invasion, and inadvertently bring the Plague to Livyanu.


The Tsolyani Civil War

  • Taksuru holds Bey Su as if it were his own fief.

  • Eselne marches his army on Bey Su. By autumn, he is at Hauma/Purdimal, and his troops dominate the west.

  • Mirusiya is holed up in Fasiltum with Elara hiVriddi, and rumoured to be besieged by undead. Somehow he travels to Bey Su to confer with Taksuru, afterwards returning to Fasiltum. He remains in Fasiltum through the winter, even though he has discovered Elara was not real.

  • Rereshqala quells the food riots in Jakalla in autumn, and calls for a new Kolumejalim. He still claims reluctance for the throne. Ma'in Kruthai joins him in Jakalla. In winter, he crushes the remnants of an invading force of Sarku worshippers that invaded Jakalla by sea and caused the inhabitants to flee.

Foreign News

  • The False Plague ravages Livyanu. They abandon most of their cities. With the Shenyu Shen pressuring the Mmatugual Shen from the south, the latter are probing cautiously north into Livyanu to escape from Shenyu's pressure.

  • The Mu'ugalavyani invade south into Livyanu. In the Chakas, the Mu'ugalavyani hold Butrus. The Pe Choi are independent and hold Do Chaka. The Pachi Lei have been ethnically cleansed, either forced out of Pan Chaka or exterminated. Those that remain are starving to death.

  • Baron Ald returns to Yan Kor, "running from city to city putting down revolts". Pijena is now independent, and Saa Allaqi has broken off the alliance to put itself back together.

  • The Salarvyani are putting heavy pressure on Jaikalor, Sokatis, and Hekellu. The Ssu have been sighted in Chaigari. By year end, the Salarvyani hold the Gilraya Forest. Fenul is Tsolyani again, but surrounded by Salarvyani forces: the Governor rules only because the Salarvyani can't be bothered to attack him.


  • Dhich'une still rules over an empire in full civil war.

  • Mirusiya invades Avanthar through secret tunnels, is repulsed by Dhich'une's undead, and is now regrouping his forces near Thri'il.

  • Eselne leaves Paya Gupa to take Mrelu and Purdimal. He fights with Rereshqala over Usenanu, possession switching back and forth. Tumissa is held by the Red Clans as an almost independent kingdom, and is fighting off the Mu'ugalavyani. The Ito clan squashed by the Mu'ugalavyani and then by the Pe Choi who fought off the Mu'ugalavyani.

  • Taksuru is in Bey Su, holding up to 100 Tsan west (near Usenanu), and over to Fasiltum.

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