This site contains links to a bunch of Tekumel-related material I collected
off the Internet. This is a personal selection of things that interested
me: I have edited some pieces together to form a more coherent narrative,
and have done my best to credit all the original authors.
I'll apologise up front: there is nothing new here. This site
is a collection of material I've been able to get my hands on. Some
of it has been cannibalised or reworked, but all of it has been in the
public domain. Links to the original sources are included below.
I'm sorry if your own favourite piece isn't here, or if I haven't acknowledged
one of your contributions, or if I am grievously wrong in something
collected here. Please email me any corrections and I'll process them
for future versions of this homepage (there's a mail link at the foot
of this page).
Sources perused to gather this material included: newsgroup archives from June to August 1994
and January to June 1995;
Tekumel Digests from #01 (May 1991) to #59 (August 1993);
Based on a timeline by Robert Dushay and the Eastern Campaign narrative
(full text included separately), fleshed out with events posted to Tekumel
groups mostly by Bob Alberti detailing unfolding events in the Tsolyani
Civil War.
A detailed narrative of Prince Mirusiya's highly successful campaign
on the Eastern Front, through the Pass of Skulls into Milumanaya, Saa
Allaqi and up to the walls of Tleku Miriya in Yan Kor itself.
What it says: a narrative by Bob Alberti describing a truly amazing
adventure from the Professor's campaign: timelines tangle as princes
are produced, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Includes
sundry notes and news of recent events.
Collected notes, culled from discussions and debates on the various
Tekumel groups (including many snippets from Professor Barker and his
players), dealing with such abstruse matters as the Multiverse, the
College at the End of Time, and how Dhich'une gets away with it.
Send me mail ...especially if
you've gone uncredited, if you want your material removed from this
site, if I'm grievously in error, or (please!) if you have something
to add to this collection. But also if you just like what you see, and
want more!
The contents of these pages are copyright
by the original authors, 1999; any material derived from M.A.R. Barker's
world of Tekumel is also copyright by M.A.R. Barker. Tekumel is the creation
of M.A.R. Barker, and is used with his permission.