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A useful excerpt from Peregrenatius's Guide to the West, translated from the Loskalmi by Goliard the Peripatetic:

The Street of Women in the Grand City of Sogolotha Mambrola, a guide for the traveller:

There are on the Street of Women, meretrices (harlots) of every race and grade: pedanae, who lurk the corners and solicit; quasillariae, poor servants who escape for a few minutes with a basket containing their daily task, prostitute themselves for a few coppers and return furtively and hurriedly to their wool spinning; copae, the wine shop girls, who get a man drunk, then go to bed with him; peregrinae, foreign women who tempt by promising novel practices; saltatrices and fidicinae, the dancers and flute players who combine musical entertainment with their other trade, hiring themselves out for banquets; mimae, the actresses of the Circus and other theatres, who use the stage chiefly as an advertisement to attract customers to buy their love; lupinariae, who occupy well-run houses, where each has her own room, with her name and price above the door, capable of being reversed to read "Busy", when she is entertaining a guest; even the sagae, hideous old women, worn out as prostitutes, who deal in love philtres, procurement, midwifery, abortive potions, and witchcraft; finally, the famosae - the famous ones. Buying the favours of a famosa is the most expensive pleasure in the world. However, one can find, just beyond the houses of the famosae, the apartments of the delicatae, charming girls, not as unreasonably expensive as the great courtesans, but fresher and younger, and well enough gifted and accomplished in pleasing a guest.

Adapted from
The Female City,
an historical novel about the life of Empress Theodora by Paul I Wellman (Werner Laurie, 1954). - Your index to all the best Gloranthan websites

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